How to Create a Webinar

With Parcy, you can create a webinar session in a matter of minutes. In this article, you will learn the steps of creating a webinar session in a matter of minutes.

To start, go inside of your event and select "Live Streaming". Your streaming session will be here.

Click "Add Streaming Session" to begin creating your webinar. Fill in the Session Name, select "Webinar", then click Add Streaming.

Your Webinar Session is now created! 🥳

Click on "Stream with Webinar Studio" where you can copy a link and send it to speakers or Start the Session.

When you click, "Start the Session", you are taken to your streaming page. Here you can control the camera, microphone, sharing your screen, people (speakers), and when to begin streaming it to your event page.

In order to start streaming to your attendees, select the button that says "Stream". A pop-up then appears stating that you're about to start streaming; click "Start Streaming" when you are ready to start your webinar.

When you start to stream, notice how the "Stream" button now switches to "Stop". When you finish streaming, click "Stop Streaming" and your session will end.

You now know how to create a Webinar Streaming Session using Parcy! 😊

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