in real-time with your audience.
Include breakout rooms with your virtual event to engage directly with your audience in real time. Share your screen, divide into break out groups, show attendee video feeds, all with your branding on display.

Add a breakout room
Easily create your session
In a matter of seconds, you can create your breakout room session with a start/end time and decide if you want your attendees to “knock” upon arrival.

Manage breakout room settings
Decide how you want the breakout room set up
Customize your breakout room using the different options such as participants joining without the camera on or room background image/color.
Manage Attendees
Arrange who can join ahead of time
Choose an attendee list to select the guests who will have access to the room and designate their roles as host or participant.

Advanced Engagement
Enhance your breakout rooms with virtual white boarding & integrated video sharing
Integrations with YouTube and Miro make it easy to share virtual whiteboards and videos without sound issues or frame rate loss.
Breakout Room Groups
Divide your breakout room audience into smaller groups
Create different breakout groups within your breakout room for additional opportunities for group discussion. Simply drag and drop participants into different groups that you created or pre-assign them before.