A simple, drag & drop page builder
Create your event pages, build your layout, and design using your branding.

Save to my themes
Access the theme you created, fast.
Store, organize, and manage your branded theme for your future events. Easily adjust your content with your updated event information.

Drag & Drop
Simply rearrange your page to your likings
Drag, drop, and arrange your event page blocks as desired. Easily delete and modify your work with our easy to use interface.
Visualize your content on your page
Build your customized event page using our blocks to highlight your agenda, speakers, and content.

Create your speakers profile
Use the speaker tool to create custom information such as a bio or social links to help speakers get connected with their audience.
Clearly portray an easy, accessible action for attendees.
Add a button to your event page to have your attendees select an action you created.

Capture your audience with your branding
Upload your image to your event page to grab attendees attention and showcase your logo.
Apply different effects and more to your images to make sure it fits accordingly.